There is nothing quite like…
- the view of downtown Los Angeles from the 10 freeway on a clear night
- the smell of Galway, Ireland after a rainstorm
- the feel of the sand between my toes at the base of the Santa Monica Pier
- the view of the sunset over the mountains from the top of the hill in Babati, TZ
- the smell of authentic Nicaraguan food being served in from of you
- the taste of homemade peanut brittle sold off the side of the road by the woman who sits there day after day
- the smile on my family’s face when I return home
- the laughter that rings in my ears from my friends when we finally get the chance to go out
- the feel of a strange child’s hand in mine
- the flood of urine down a PJ pants leg because I was too scared to go to the outside outhouse alone
- the shame of confessing that last one
- the silence and darkness of a village street with only the moon as my guide
- the view of the stars in the middle of a field in upstate NY, in Manague, Nicaragua, in Babati, TZ… all different, but beautiful, patterns of pinpricks of light in the night
- the taste of a new food, a new country
- the taste of authentic Swiss chocolate, bought in Switzerland
- the beauty of a new language as it rolls off the tongue of a new friend
- the songs that you bring back in your heart
- the experience of Travel.
(Feel free to add your own in the comments! I would love to hear them!)
1 comment:
a few I'd definitely add:
-the salt on your face and in your mouth as you sail across the Catalina Channel
-the smell and crunch of pine needles under your feet as you walk through a forest outside of Yosemite
-a delicious peanut butter and jelly sandwich being eaten while huddled under a boulder in during a freak blizzard in the middle of August (haha also in Yosemite)
-walking through the greenest forest you've probably ever seen in your life on Orcas Island (an island in the San Juans, just outside of Puget Sound)
-jumping off the bow of a tall ship (that was at least a 20 foot drop...haha)
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