I'm currently sitting in a First Class lounge in the Bangkok airport with the 48 other people I will be serving in the Peace Corps with. I can tell you this, after these last few flights, I never want to see another airplane again. Alas, we have to fly out in less than 7 hours to go to Phnom Penh, Cambodia though. After that, though, it's staying put in country for at least 6 months.
So far, everything has been pretty cool, if not a little rushed with so many things squished into such a short amount of time. Our "Staging" (which is the Peace Corps term for the orientation before getting on the flight to our destination) was 5 hours long but it felt like a full day. By the middle of it, many of us had hit our so-called "wall" since we had traveled that morning to LA.
Everyone seems really awesome. The Peace Corps definitely attracts a certain kind of person, so everyone has been really nice and pretty cool so far.
Just updating you all! I won't have regular access to internet after training starts tomorrow, so expect some spotty updating.
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