I promised I’d update and here I am!
I forgot to mention last time how tall I am compared to
your average Cambodian woman. This is emphasized to me every time I go to step
down from the second floor and hit my head on the ceiling. Luckily, I’ve gotten
used to ducking, but sometimes I am painfully reminded that I have forgotten.
Did I mention all of the farm animals that walk around my
yard? We have tons of chickens and one pig in a pen. I am awoken every morning
at 4am by the sound of the rooster, which wakes the babies, who then proceed to
cry. I’ve learned to sleep through it. This morning, however, I woke up before
the rooster to the sound of crunchcrunchcrunch, part of my mosquito net
falling, and then the currying of tiny feet. I am about 99% sure that my
visitor was a mouse, as I don’t think scorpions or newts bite wood and plastic.
All of my homestay parents’ children are back in town for
the election, and they have a daughter who speaks pretty good English, so last
night, I got out all of the pictures I brought of my friends and family and
talked about them. I tried to speak in Khmer as much as possible, but it was
nice to have an English speaker to help me. I was able to accurately explain
everything except sororities. Aww well. Then my mai (homestay mom) brought out
some pictures of one of her daughter’s weddings, and it was gorgeous. She gave
me one of her and my pboke (homestay dad).
Oh, I also had a giant cockroach in my room last night
before I went to bed. I watched it with my bug zapper for about 30 minutes,
hoping it would only stay by the light, but once it started to go onto my
clothes, I knew I had to get it. Next time it landed on a wall, I hit it. It
fell behind my trunk, and I was too scared to check to see if it actually died,
so just keep your fingers crossed for me!
Today, a few of us Trainees played basketball with some
Khmer teenagers. It was a lot of fun although I forgot how tiring basketball
can be. The running back and forth up the court plus the sun plus the humidity
had me exhausted after an hour, but I kept playing anyway because I spend the
rest of the week sitting in a classroom. After football, three of us went to
the p’saa (market) to get some coconut water to restore our electrolytes. I
like going to the market for it because the coconut ladies give us the water
for free, since they don’t use it for anything anyway.
After I got back from that, I had lunch and then did
laundry. Laundry took me an hour and a half, and I had less stuff than last
week, when it only took my homestay sister 15 minutes to get through all of my
laundry. I will hopefully get much faster.
I’m also really happy I got to Skype with a few of you
yesterday. If anybody ever wants to Skype, I’m on every Saturday morning (for
me) from 6:30am – 7:45am, which is starting at 7:30pm Friday for Eastern US
time. I’m also available all day Sunday, which is Saturday night and Sunday
morning for those of you in the US reading. I’d love to Skype with any and all
of you!
One last thing I wanted to mention was that if you are
going to send me stuff, please don’t use USPS. Anything else is more reliable
to Cambodia.
Talk to you all soon!
Don't smooch cockroaches! I forget why, but I remember it being bad. Hitting them stuns them I think, but they're pretty freaking resilient. I saw one run over by a car once in NYC. It wasn't smooshed.
That's really cool that you're getting closer to your host family, but also sad because you will be getting a new host family in the near future. It's nice building relationships anyways.
I may have missed this in a previous post, but I'm assuming laundry is done by hand? Like in colonial USA days? Ouch- good luck!
Miss you tons! Hope you're doing well!
Glad to see things are going well. God, the cockroaches. I have a huge fear of bugs. I would never be able to handle that. Is it possible to take pictures, or is that too hard to do? I'd love to see what the area looks like. :)
So glad it's going well. Miss you <3
Girl I miss you so much! <3 It's so good to hear about your travels, keep writing!!! I'll definitely try to send you something! I love you!
Gracious, ladyface, I miss you to pieces! Zap those bugs, write down your thoughts and enjoy every minute of everything!
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