I want to tell you all what I've been doing since I last wrote, but I don't want this to be an extremely long post, so I'll break it down by date and a brief description. Here we go:
- March 2015 - August 2015: Finished up Peace Corps service, applied to a bunch of jobs, then decided that I wanted to stay in Cambodia - no extensive traveling after service, no heading home, just staying and living. Not even a week after my service ended, I started a new position.
- August 2015 - July 2016: Living and working in Phnom Penh. During this time I had two jobs, discovered that what feels like failure can lead to new opportunities, and I figured out that, at this point in my life, I'm not the biggest fan of working in the private sector, but I still absolutely love teaching. I was in a moto accident with accompanying injuries, I went home to be a bridesmaid, and I made the choice to move back to the US because it felt like the right time.
- July 2016 - August 2016: Funemployment, or "My new position starts in 3 weeks, this is the second time in less than a year that I haven't had a job to go to every day, and existential dread."
- August 2016 - Present: I'm an AmeriCorps VISTA (because I can't get enough of service, apparently) and I live in Phoenix.
Oh, yes! And I forgot to mention - I've been applying to graduate programs in Public Health. I've heard back from the majority of schools that I have applied to (all "Accepted" so far) and I've even been offered some scholarships. So, I will definitely be moving again come the summer, but I don't know whether it will be 2 hours away by car from Phoenix or if it will be on the East Coast once again. Only time will tell.
I hope you all have enjoyed my update! I'll be sure to put some more time into this - I want to remember all the big joys I've had this year and will continue to have.